Suggested Itineraries
Help with planning routes and suggestions on where to go is what we get asked most often
Aside from the ‘How do you afford to travel all the time?’ question (we really must get around to writing that post one day soon!), the most frequently asked questions we receive are along the same theme:
‘What was your route when you visited…’, ‘What should I do with three weeks in…’ or ‘What is the best itinerary for my trip to such and such?’
We’ve been planning itineraries – both professionally and for our own travels – for such a long time that it seemed natural for us to include a suggested itinerary section on our website.
Although it may appear that we rarely seem to know where we’re going next or that we change direction on a whim, we often do spend a lot of time researching a destination, be it a country or a region.

Oh yeah, this is exactly what our travel planning days look like!

The reality is more like this…
We try to get off-the-beaten-track as much as possible and sometimes that takes a bit of extra planning. What’s more, whenever we can we travel overland using public transport, only taking flights as a last resort or if the distances are just too great. We always prefer to take the slow route and would rather take a chance on breaking the journey in a small unknown town than spend ten long hours in one stretch on a bus.
Whilst it’s important not to over-plan, sometimes it’s good to have a route mapped out, particularly if you are travelling within a fixed timeframe. If your schedule allows, it’s always good to have a bit of wriggle room – a bit of extra time that allows you to stay another day when you reach somewhere you can’t bear to leave so soon.
It’s equally important not to try and squeeze too much into an itinerary. Whilst it may be tempting to rush around seeing as much of a country as humanly possible, that’ll just leave you exhausted and means you will spend the majority of your time travelling between A and B!
We see a lot of travel blog posts entitled ‘The Ultimate Itinerary to blah, blah, blah’, but for us it’s impossible to produce an ultimate itinerary to a particular destination – we can’t even do it for ourselves, let alone for others! It just can’t be done and this is not what this page is all about.
Instead, here you will find tried and tested journeys to destinations we have spent time in.
We’ve been on the road for an average of 8 months a year since we began travelling full-time in 2008 and before that, as well as maximising our annual leave, we travelled a lot for work, researching and discovering new destinations for upmarket tour operators. For once, we are going to blow our own trumpets and say that producing imaginative itineraries is something that we are rather good at!
Plotting and planning gives us nearly as much enjoyment as the destination itself. Ask either one of us at any given time what’s next on the agenda travel-wise and you’ll be presented with a list as long as your arm!
We have intentionally decided not to makes these itineraries detailed day-to-day what to do guides, but instead aim for them to provide a suggested route, a guideline designed to help with your initial planning, give you some ideas, or to inspire a journey that is a little bit less ordinary.
We’ll give you the framework to inspire; you add the detail and let your imagination fly. Have fun! We hope you find them useful – please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feedback.
Click on a country to filter itineraries featuring that destination…