Hotel Olumpia in Tallinn, Estonia. Constructed from 1974 to 1980. Architects: Toivo Kallas and Rein Kersten. Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Soviet-era architecture Blog Posts
Belarusian House of Government
Belarusian House of Government in Minsk, Belarus. Completed in 1934. Constructivist, Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Government Municipality
Government Municipality in Visaginas, Lithuania,. Building constructed in the 1970s. Modernist, Soviet-era architecture in the former USSR.
Boarding House Mayak, Resort Pitsunda
Boarding House Mayak, Resort Pitsunda in Pitsunda, Abkhazia. Alternative name: Resort of all-Union, Seven Candles Resort, Boarding House Lighthouse.
National Bank of Moldova
National Bank of Moldova in the Eastern European capital of Chisinau. Modernist style, Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Museum of Communications
Telecom Armenia (former AMTC Automatic Long Distance Telephone Station/Intercity Telephone Station). Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
National Art Gallery
National Art Gallery in Vilnius, Lithuania. Former name: Museum of the Revolution of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic. Soviet architecture.
Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija
Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija in Riga, Latvia. Constructed between 1976 and 1979. Modernist, Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Ukraine Cinema
Ukraine Cinema in Rivne. Completed in 1967 and formerly known as October Cinema. Modernist, Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Hrazdan Stadium
Hrazdan Stadium in Yerevan, Armenia. Completed 1970 by architects Koryun Hakopyan and Gurgen Musheghyan. Brutalist, Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Armenia Hotel and Health Resort
Armenia Hotel and Health Resort in Vanadzor, Armenia. Designed by architect Rafik Boshyan in 1981. Soviet architecture in the former USSR.
Veetorn Residential
Veetorn Residential in Narva, Estonia. Completed in 1969. Brutalist, Soviet architecture in the former USSR.